Imagine that with simply three or four specific backlinks, you can enhance your ranks by ten, twenty, or even fifty positions. Imagine that you no longer need to be so concerned when Google visits your website because of the strange links you’ve created.
It’s great, isn’t it!
In this article, I will give you a strategy to help you achieve that. That is Tier 2 link building strategy – Tier 2 link building. I’ll also give you a close look at why quadratic bonding is important. At the same time, I will give a few examples and show you how to get second-order links that can improve your rankings and traffic.
But whatever we do, the first thing we need to know is…
What is Tiered Link Building?
Tiered Link Building or multi-tier link is simply that you build link A pointing to the page you want SEO then you build link B pointing to link A instead of pointing directly to your money site.
Here, link A will be Tier 1 – Tier 1 link.
Tier 1 links are websites that link directly to the website directly
Let me give you one more specific illustration
For example, when you write a guest post, the links that link directly to your website in the content section will be considered as first-order links.
The figure below shows the links you get from writing guest posts. You can watch it on Moz or Ahrefs
Next, link B (backlink B) points to link A (backlink A), then link B will be Tier 2 – tier 2 link
Tier 2 links are links that point to the website you have a guest post on (and the guest post must contain a link to your website).
So what are the benefits of Tier 2 link building in particular and multi-tier link building in general?
Benefits of tier 2 link building
Many people don’t like to spend time doing tier 2 links because they think that instead of spending time creating tier 2 links, why not with the same effort, go create tier 1 links, pointing directly at the money site

I used to think the same thing when I didn’t know the benefits of Tier 2. And it was wrong, this thought also cost me “quite expensive” in many projects and I want to share with you the truth. the certainty not to repeat the same mistake as me…
1. Multi-tiered links increase the power of your backlinks
Quality over quantity. Always the same!

Imagine that any article that has backlinks pointing to your website will also get other articles pointing to that article with backlinks. Then all Tier 2 content is related to your SEO & Tier 1 content.
Most especially, your entire Tier 1 has inbound traffic. This will make all backlinks pointing directly to your website are extremely natural, and extremely high quality, then Google will not be able to penalize these backlinks!
2. Multi-tiered links help you avoid Google penalties
Why are you avoiding a google penalty with multi-tiered link building?
Let me share a common mistake in the SEO world in general and the Vietnamese SEO world, in particular, there are many people who only focus on building backlinks on their SEO articles without paying attention to other pages/articles.
This leads to Google Penguin 4 penalty for backlink density. (Google penguin 4 currently no longer affects all domains, but it can penalize and affect entire domains, folders, or specific pages on the website and maybe even just a small group of keywords.)

Imagine that when google scans your website as a whole and finds that one page has more backlinks than the rest. Next, when Google looks at the density of anchor text and sees a series of anchor text from your keyword, it is obvious that Google will see something strange and unnatural in your website so Google may penalize you in the following forms
Ranking restraints
You will be stuck at the position of page 2, and page 3 forever and can’t move even though you keep shooting more quality backlinks but still can’t go up because you have lost link balance.
Replace Url
That means you SEO Url A but Url B appears again, even though your Url B has very few backlinks or even no backlinks compared to page A. At this point, you are likely to be penalized for unnatural anchor text or also unbalanced links
This will be prevented when you reduce the number of backlinks to the money site while increasing the quality of backlinks through multi-tiered link building:
You don’t have to worry too much about over-optimizing anchor text anymore because instead of shooting 1000 backlinks, you only shoot 50 backlinks
The number of backlinks you have reduced so you also reduce the fear of link imbalance.
And of course, there are many other benefits, but now I think you are looking forward to the best way to build 2nd layer links, so I will also start sharing with you. share for you.
First, we must understand the principles to successfully build a 2nd layer link
2 Principles to know in building Tier 2 links
There are 2 principles you need to take to heart and apply in building Tier 2 that help you build a sustainable and strong website system

1. Follow the principle of building quality Tier 1 Backlink
That’s right! You heard it. If you are building backlinks pointing directly to your site SEO must be quality backlinks, this means backlinks must have:
- High strength
- Good Reputation
- Relate to
- Traffic,…
Then you need to follow the same when building the Tier 2 Backlinks.
If you thought that tier 2 backlinks could easily be spammed, this was only true 10 years ago. Google is much smarter now….
Never get penalized by Google because your 2nd tier backlinks are not quality. Even worse you can get google manual action.
2. All must be do-follow links
If it is a nofollow link then it is no longer a tier link-building method. Because a rule in tier link building is that you need to keep link juice (power of backlinks) moving through each other.

If you are nofollow backlinks, you have blocked the link juice flow and now it has lost a lot of influence.
Well, now to some 2nd tier link-building methods that I often apply when implementing projects for Best SEO Tool.
How to build Tier 2 link
Here are some basic to advanced tier 2 link-building techniques that I often implement:
1. Conduct sharing on social networking sites
Run ads for guest blog posts you’ve written on Social Media, specifically Facebook. As soon as your article is published, you should immediately promote it to all your social media systems.
Don’t think that sending traffic to someone else’s website means you won’t get any benefits.

Make sure your tier 1 backlinks are quality by following the 12 principles of building quality backlinks.
Make sure that guest blogs also support sharing on their social networks as there is a chance that they may have a different audience source than yours.
You should also encourage re-sharing of your posts on social media. All in all, you’re still promoting their site.
2. Use Private Blog Network
Instead of using a Private Blog Network (PBN) to point directly to your website, you can also use a PBN to point to your 1st tier backlinks.
A small trick that Best SEO Tool often apply is that the Tier 1 backlinks apply phantom keywords of the SEO field and then use PBN to promote this article to the top and bring traffic to that article. From there, it helps to make the Tier 1 backlinks much better.
3. Implement sharing strategies via forums
After you have completed the Tier 1 backlinks. One simple but effective thing is to join the forums in the same field, then copy the article you guest post, share and cite the source at the end of the article. write.
This can also pull a pretty significant amount of traffic if your forum has a lot of active members. Above all, you are creating a network related to the topic (from tier 2 links to tier 1 backlinks pointing to your main website.
4. Domain Authority Stacking
Domain Authority Stacking is a technique that was publicized and emerged in 2014 by one of the top SEO experts in the world – Jimmy Kelley. This is a technique that uses web 2.0 to build models to increase trust strongly to the website.
Below is a model that you can use to increase the power and authority of your tier 1 backlinks.
Remember that you do not need to use the exact web 2.0 name shown in the image. Please replace it with high DA web 2.0 sites and give do-follow backlinks for the best results
Use anchor text for 2nd tier backlinks
A mistake that I often see when many people apply 2nd tier backlinks building is that they use the exact SEO keyword anchor text too much and this makes it easy for google to detect and penalize this backlinks system.
When building anchor text for Tier 1 links, I usually follow the following principles to ensure its quality and naturalness:
- If Tier 1 backlinks use keyword anchor text, Tier 2 link uses non-keyword anchor text (Anchor text URL/ brand/ general/ domain)
- If Tier 1 backlinks use phantom keywords, then I will use anchor texts like Url/ Brand/ general/ domain/ phantom keyword I want to SEO.
While you can focus your time on creating a first-order link, you shouldn’t completely ignore the potential of a second-order link.
Hope this article has helped you change your perception of second-order links. From there, optimize their effects.